Good Day Colleagues
Welcome to our Quarter 2 newsletter. We are a few weeks into the national lockdown, owing to the COVID-19 pandemic we are navigating an unusual and unchartered landscape.
We acknowledge that this is a period of disruption and “Business unusual”.
Many of you will go through new emotions and new experiences, some will be positive and some may be challenging. We encourage you to find and follow a comfortable routine that supports you in finding a balance with your physical and psychological well-being.
Suggested activities for your well being are:
- Reach out to family members and friends via electronic media and face time.
- Have an exercise plan and incorporate helpful breathing techniques.
- Follow a healthy and balanced eating plan.
- Read uplifting information over and above the media updates.
- Do something creative such as gardening; baking; painting or cooking.
- Learn something new (online course; new language or a skill).
- Practice kindness, reach out to friends and colleagues that may be struggling with emotional / health matters via electronic media.
Please find notes from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) meeting on 2nd April 2020.

Re: Workplace Adjustments:
- To consider what the ideal workplace will look like.
- The Manager values the service of the individual and see them as a valued service user.
- Persons with disabilities are routinely asked for feedback ie: how are things working and how can they be improved?
- To monitor the impact and ROI.
- To consider a maturity model for the organisation around Workplace adjustments.
- Consider legal and compliance matters, incorporate into organisational policies.
- Learning exchange to occur – 2 way information flow is important for the organisation to learn from the individual and the individual to benefit from organisational learning.
- Technical considerations: Identify the solution; Develop and Implement solution.
- Follow a step by step process to Workplace Adjustment:
- Identify the employee need
- Review the specific employee request
- Does the person qualify
- Approve (who approves, how many people are involved in approving? To streamline and simplify)
- Deliver solution/need
- Does the person require training to use the new system/other as applicable
- Who will deliver the training
- Implement solution
- Evaluate
- Make adjustments or refine if applicable OR share what’s going well
Please keep safe; healthy and practice social distancing as encouraged by our President so that we help to flatten the curve.
We have had to postpone our quarter 1 breakfast scheduled for 3rd of April, we are monitoring the situation with COVID-19 and will communicate a new date once finalized.
Should you require any assistance kindly send an e-mail to or
Best wishes,
SAE4D Chairperson, Ms Losh Pather & Executive Team